How to Improve UX on a Website [7 Most Important Ways]

March 19, 2024

If you’re a digital marketer, you likely spend countless hours trying to discover impactful ways of improving user experience on a website for clients.

While many follow UX and UI best practices or read marketing and tech blogs to search for the latest trends, it’s rare to find any resources that consider the most important factor – the website user’s motivation.

In recent years, the Internet has served as the ultimate battleground for businesses. And without question, the importance of a stellar user experience (UX) cannot be overstated.

With a staggering 88% of online consumers less likely to return to a site after a bad experience, mastering how to improve user experience on a website is not just an option—it's a necessity.

So, in this article, we are going to provide you with 7 of the most important ways of improving the user experience on a website.

From eCommerce platforms to marketing landing pages, this guide will unveil the secrets to captivating your audience through enhanced UX, ensuring your website not only attracts visitors but also converts them into loyal customers.

Let’s get started!

Understanding User Experience (UX)

Knowledge is power. If you want to incorporate UX best practices, it’s important to first understand exactly what UX design is.

At its core, User Experience (UX) involves every aspect of the end-user's interaction with your company, its services, and its products.

Distinguishable from User Interface (UI), which focuses on the aesthetic elements of a website, UX is about the overall feel of the experience.

But why does UX matter? Simply put, a superior UX design leads to higher conversion rates, increased customer loyalty, and a significant competitive edge.

So – quick refresher. UX is defined as the overall elements of your website that impact your user’s journey of the platform.

Conducting User Research

Now that we’ve explained what UX means, let’s provide some key tips for making sure your website is designed to improve your user experience.

Improving UX begins with understanding your users. Most marketing agencies will focus on implementing user research methods like surveys, interviews, and analytics to gain insights into your audience’s needs and behaviors.

Tools like heatmaps and session recordings can also offer a deep dive into how users interact with your site, revealing areas for improvement.

However, our team thinks it’s more important to understand what motivates them to the desired action. We’ll touch on this in a bit.

Improving Website Load Time

Today’s consumer has no time to wait. Modern websites and apps are designed to load fast, clean, and crisp across multiple devices.

Google provides top rankings to websites that are optimized for mobile devices – as more than 70% of consumers access websites through their mobile devices first.

Website load time is VITAL. Even a one-second delay can reduce conversions by 7%.

So – here are some insider tips from a top web development company in the United States.

Use tools like Google Page Speed Insights to evaluate and enhance your site's speed.

Simple adjustments, such as optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing JavaScript, can drastically improve load times.

Designing with Clarity and Simplicity

Clean, neat, and straight – it’s not just a recipe for keeping your office tidy, but best practices for any professional website.

A cluttered website can overwhelm users, driving them away. Aim for clarity and simplicity in your design, focusing on intuitive navigation and a minimalist aesthetic that highlights your content's value.

Declutter your site by eliminating unnecessary elements and utilizing white space to guide users naturally through your site. 

Or, if you hire a web design agency to build your online platform, make sure they can show you ample samples of previous projects.

How to improve user experience on a website - steps explained

Optimizing for Mobile

We said this earlier, but it’s vital to give this tip its section. With over half of global web traffic originating from mobile devices, a mobile-friendly site is non-negotiable.

Optimize for mobile by ensuring responsive design, fast loading times, and accessible navigation. Regularly test your site's mobile responsiveness to guarantee an optimal user experience across all devices.

Enhancing Accessibility

Web accessibility means making your site usable for everyone, including people with disabilities. Follow accessibility guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), to create a more inclusive digital environment.

Tools like the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool can help identify and rectify accessibility issues.

Regularly Updating Content

Fresh, relevant content not only boosts SEO but also keeps users coming back.

Develop a strategy for regularly updating content, whether through a blog, news section, or product updates, to maintain engagement and demonstrate your industry expertise.

Start with Motivation Driven Design – Powered by Goldfish Code

Sure, the website design tips posted above are quite impactful in improving user experience on a website. But the first step must be to understand your audience – what are their personas, how do they make decisions, and why that’s the key to driving impactful conversions.

The next evolution in digital solutions design arrives with Motivational Driven Design™. Created by Goldfish Code, MDD™ is a trademarked business design principle, that helps you develop a product so that users are truly motivated throughout their journey to complete specific actions that improve business metrics.

When you hire us to customize your website, we can help you identify user personas and the core drivers of each.

By considering and identifying UM (user motivation), it creates the roadmap to develop UI (user interface) features and ultimately, a UX experience that drives conversions.

If you are going to invest five figures or more into having a professional web developer create a website that is designed to help you achieve measurable ROI, contact our team today to discuss our Motivation Driven Design service.
